Back pain is by far the most common health problem affecting millions of people globally.

It is also the most casually dealt health problem by people, as we casually disregard back pain as an unavoidable physical discomfort; we fail to realize that the very basic back pain can be a symptom for a potentially serious decease.

People usually reach out for over the counter pain killers or pain relief sprays instead of seeking proper back pain treatment.

Common Causes Of Back Pain


Strained muscles and ligaments, muscle spasms, muscle tension and injuries related to falls are the root cause for a majority of back pain complaints.

Back muscles are mostly strained due to heavy lifting, lifting stuff improperly and sudden awkward movements.


Ruptured discs, bulging discs, abnormal curvature of the spine, sciatica, arthritis, osteoporosis and kidney infections or stones can also lead to excruciatingly painful backaches restricting one to bed.

In this scenario a patient’s movement is massively affected.


A majority of all back pains today are caused due to bad postures, sudden jerks, standing or sitting for long periods, driving for a long period without breaks.

These are just some of the few examples of movement and posture related back pains.


Back pain is a pretty common phenomenon both during and post pregnancy owing to hormonal changes, weight gain and epidural injections.


Obesity is another leading factor of back pain. A lot many of us are more or less overweight and this excess weight puts a lot of strain on our body leading to all sort of body pain.


Back pain usually resolves with rest and home remedies, but sometimes medical treatment is necessary.

Home treatments

Over-the-counter (OTC) pain relief medication, usually nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen, can relieve discomfort. Applying a hot compress or an ice pack to the painful area may also reduce pain.

Resting from strenuous activity can help, but moving around will ease stiffness, reduce pain, and prevent muscles from weakening.

Medical treatment

If home treatments do not relieve back pain, a doctor may recommend the following medication, physical therapy, or both.

Medication: Back pain that does not respond well to OTC painkillers may require a prescription NSAID. Codeine or hydrocodone, which are narcotics, may be prescribed for short periods. These require close monitoring by the doctor. In some cases, muscle relaxants may be used.

Antidepressants, such as amitriptyline, may be prescribed, but research is ongoing at to their effectiveness, and the evidence is conflicting.

Physical therapy: Applying heat, ice, ultrasound, and electrical stimulation — as well as some muscle-release techniques to the back muscles and soft tissues — may help alleviate pain.

As the pain improves, the physical therapist may introduce some flexibility and strength exercises for the back and abdominal muscles. Techniques for improving posture may also help.

The patient will be encouraged to practice the techniques regularly, even after the pain has gone, to prevent back pain recurrence.

Complementary therapies

Complementary therapies may be used alongside conventional therapies or on their own.

Chiropractic, osteopathy, shiatsu, and acupuncture may help relieve back pain, as well as encouraging the patient to feel relaxed.

  • An osteopath specializes in treating the skeleton and muscles.
  • A chiropractor treats joint, muscle and bone problems. The main focus is the spine.
  • Shiatsu, also known as finger pressure therapy, is a type of massage where pressure is applied along energy lines in the body. The shiatsu therapist applies pressure with the fingers, thumbs and elbows.
  • Acupuncture originates from China. It consists of inserting fine needles and specific points in the body. Acupuncture can help the body release its natural painkillers — endorphins — as well as stimulating nerve and muscle tissue.
  • Yoga involves specific poses, movements, and breathing exercises. Some may help strengthen the back muscles and improve posture. Care must be taken that exercises do not make back pain worse.

Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) is a popular therapy for patients with chronic back pain. The TENS machine delivers small electric pulses into the body through electrodes that are placed on the skin.

Studies on complementary therapies have given mixed results. Some people have experienced significant benefit, while others have not. It is important, when considering alternative therapies, to use a well qualified and registered therapist.

A TENS machine should be used under the direction of a doctor or health professional.

It should not be used by someone who is:

Experts believe TENS encourages the body to produce endorphins and may block pain signals returning to the brain. Studies on TENS have provided mixed results. Some revealed no benefits, while others indicated that it could be helpful for some people.

  • is pregnant
  • has a history of epilepsy
  • has a pacemaker
  • has a history of heart disease

TENS is considered “safe, noninvasive, inexpensive, and patient friendly,” and it appears to reduce pain, but more evidence is needed to confirm its effectiveness in improving activity levels.


Surgery for back pain is very rare. If a patient has a herniated disk surgery may be an option, especially if there is persistent pain and nerve compression which can lead to muscle weakness.

Examples of surgical procedures include:

  • Fusion: Two vertebrae are joined together, with a bone graft inserted between them. The vertebrae are splinted together with metal plates, screws or cages. There is a significantly greater risk for arthritis to subsequently develop in the adjoining vertebrae.
  • Artificial disk: An artificial disk is inserted; it replaces the cushion between two vertebrae.
  • Diskectomy: A portion of a disk may be removed if it is irritating or pressing against a nerve.
  • Partially removing a vertebra: A small section of a vertebra may be removed if it is pinching the spinal cord or nerves.

What Dr. Vardan Says

Back pain is acommon debilitating health problem for people caused mainly due to incorrect posture and bad lifestyle.

Back pain is common in older people. Especially pregnant women,are more prone to backaches than men.

Back pain is by far the most common debilitating health problem for people caused mainly due to incorrect posture and bad lifestyle. Back pain is common in older people.

Often ignorance of the severity of the problem and lack of proper back pain treatment aggravates the pain and resulting in a chronic problem.

So don’t further aggravate your back pain and seek treatment at home.

You should consult a doctor for proper treatment.

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